Hello lovelies. Today I want to
talk about a new drugstore brand called Trend It Up and can be found in DM
drugstores. It is a german store so I think you can only get it in Europe. I
was inspired to do something like this because I recently received a little
package that consisted of a liquid lipstick and a nailpolish from this brand.
Trend It Up came to Slovenia in September so it's a relatively new thing. So
because I got these two products I decided I want to go to the store and get
myself 3 new products and write a review about it because it is a very
afordable brand that I think everyone should check it out.
In total I have 4 different
products to share with you: Double Volume & Shine Nailpolish (270), High
Shine Lipgloss (140), 2 Ultra Matte Lipcreams ( 080, 085) and an eyeshadow
palette called The Colors Selection (020). I will start with an eyeshadow
palette because it just looks amazing.
Zdravo punce. Danes sem se
odločila, da vam bom predstavila novo znamko, ki jo lahko najdeš v DM
drogeriji. Znamka je v Slovenijo prišla septembra, tako da je dokaj nova
zadeva. Tole objavo pišem, ker sem pred kratkim dobila 2 njihova izdelka na
Beauty Bloggers Meet Up, in sicer en lep
lak in pa tekočo šminko. Odločila sem se, da grem kupiti še kakšen izdelek in
na koncu sem prišla domov s 3 novimi izdelki iste znamke. Tale znamka je res
poceni in zaradi tega se mi zdi, da bi si jo morala ogledati vsaka punca, ki jo
zanima nekaj novega.
Torej vse skupaj imam 4 različne
izdelke, ki jih bom danes delila z vami, in sicer: Double Volume & Shine
lak (270), High Shine Lipgloss (140), dve Ultra Matte Lipcreams (080, 085) in
pa paleta za oči,, ki se imenuje The Colors Selection (020). Začnimo kar s
paletko, ker je res prečudovita.
The palette consists of 6 shades
which are more purply and dark. It's a combination of mattes and shimmers so I
think it's perfect for both day and night looks. I really like the purple
shades for autumn and winter and that is why I chose this palette. There are 3
different palettes in total. It comes with a small two-sided brush so you can
use it for travelling. I swatched the shades on the back of my hand and I was
really impressed with pigmentation. It si really good. The shades are easy to
blend but are a bit more powdery so you will definitely want to tap away the
excess product. The range of colours is great because you have shades for the
crease, for the whole eyelid and for the inner eye corner. It's just great. I
also really like the size of it because you can take it anywhere with you. I
can see myself using this palette a lot in winter (and Maja's also liking it
V paletki imamo vse skupaj 6
senčk, ki so bolj vijolične in temne in so mat in bleščeče, tako da lahko definitivno
ustvariš večerni in dnevni look. Vijolični odtenki so mi res super za jesen in
zimo in zato sem jo tudi izbrala, na sploh pa lahko izbiraš med 3 različnimi
paletami. Zdi se mi super za potovanja saj zraven dobiš tudi dvostranski čopič
in pa, ker je majhne velikosti. Pigmentacijo senčk sem stestirala kar na roki
in moram priznati, da sem bila res navdušena. Barve so res močne je pa res, da
ko nanašaš senčke na veke moraš čopič otresti, ker dobiš kar precej produkta na
čopič. Zelo lepo se razmaže in med seboj se barve super dopolnjujejo. Všeč mi
je, da so notri od temnih barv do svetlih barv. Paletko res priporočam vsem,
ker ima res vse tisto kar rabiš in ni ti potrebno zapraviti ne vem koliko
denarja zanjo (še moja sestra je nad njo čisto navdušena hihi).
Moving on with the lipgloss and
lipcreams. Lipgloss didn't impress me very much. I mean it is great and it
apllies nicely but it's nothing special. It's not very pigmented so you can
wear it every day and it's not very sticky so that is a big plus. As for the
lipcreams I do have some pros & cons. First of all the shades are amazing.
You have a big selection of lipcreams and I love all of them. I have a deep red
shade(080) and a stunning plumb shade (085). The pigmentation is stunning and
the application is great although I would definitely recommend using a lip
pencil with it because you'll apply it 100 times easier-I had some struggles
with the red one when I was applying it because I couldn't be as precise as I
wanted to be. It would be easier if I applied the lip pencil first. Also when
you apply it, it won't dry completely which for me is good because you won't be
left there with dry lips and your lips will look more healthy. All in all they're
great but I do have one negative thing to say and that is they transfer and
because they transfer the aren't as longlasting as I would want them to be and
you have to re-apply it. That is everything I have to say about the lipcreams.
They're amazing and I will definitely keep using them because I like the
texture of it and they are so affordable.
Naslednji produkt sta lipglos in
tekoča šminka. Lipglos me ni nekaj navdušil, ampak tudi ni slab. V sebi ima
nekaj pigmentacije, ampak nič pretiranega, tako da ga lahko nosiš vsak dan.
Tudi ni lepljiv, tako da te ne moti ko je na ustnicah. Glede tekoče šminke pa
imam nekaj besed več. Že takoj lahko povem, da sem nad njimi navdušena. Odtenki
so res izjemni. Jaz imam dva in sicer rdeča (080) in pa odtenek slive oziroma
malo bolj svetla. Pigmentacija je na vrhuncu punce. Zelo bi priporočala, da jih
uporabite s svinčnikom za ustnice, ker bo s tem nanos veliko lažji. Jaz ga
nisem uporabila in sem pri rdeči šminki naredila manjši nered na ustnicah
(upss). Ko šminko naneseš se ta ne posuši v celoti, kar je dobro saj se ti
ustnice potem ne izsušijo in zgledajo bolj zdravo. Edina stvar, ki me moti pa
je da pušča odtis. Sicer me to res ne moti, ampak zaradi tega sem morala šminko
nekajkrat na novo nanesti. Priznam, da me to sploh ni zmotilo, tako da sem z
njimi navdušena. Definitivno priporočam njihove mat šminke, ker so res dobre +
poceni so – popolna kombinacija.
The last product I will talk
about it is their nailpolish. Again they have a big selection of colours so
you'll definitely find something for yourself. I got this dark purple-ish
colour and it's perfect for autumn. I was really impressed by it. You only have
to apply one coat of it and it's done. You don't have to use 2 coats and that
is something I'm super excited about. I didn't use the base coat or a top coat
and it's holding out just fine. I did just wash the dishes and I can see that
it chipped a little at the end which is to be expected actually, but if you use
the top coat I think you'll be fine. All in all it is a nice nailpolish and the
best thing about it is that you don't have to use 2 coats.
Zadnji izdelek pa je tale lak.
Izbira lakov je res velika, tako da sem prepričana, da se za vsako nekaj najde.
Moj je zopet bolj temen, bordo rdeč. Ko sem ga nanesla, sem takoj videla, da
bom rabila samo 1 nanos, ker je tako zelo prekriven. Sploh ne rabiš 2 sloja.
Definitivno je to največji plus pri tem laku. Pri nanosu nisem uporabila niti
podlak niti nadlak. Malo prej sem pomila posodo in se na koncih malo vidi, da se
je odluščil, ampak ne veliko. Prepričana sem, da do tega ni bi prišlo, če bi
uporabila še nadlak. Lak je super ampak najbolj me je navdušila njegova prekrivnost
Trend It Up is a brand I will keep checking out because it made a good impression on me and I can't wait to go back and maybe get some face makeup- foundation, blush etc. Let me know if you know this brand and what you think of it. Have a great day.
Trend it up je definitivno znamka, ki jo bom še spremljala. Zelo me zanimajo še ličila za obraz-puder, rdečilo,... Je kdo že preizkusil njihove izdelke? Kaj si mislite o njih? Do naslednjič. Čauu
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