Lepotne objave so zmeraj bile moja šibka točka. Seveda sem jih nekaj že napisala, vendar vsakič ko začnem pisati novo, postanem malo živčna, ker ne vem kako bo izpadlo in ali bo v njej dovolj potrebnih informacij. Seveda nisem mojstrica na tem področju, ampak rada testiram nove stvari. Mislim da vsaka punca komaj čaka da poseže po novih izdelkih, še posebej, če je to L'occitane.
Pred kratkim sem prejela 2 nova produkta od L'occitanove nove linije, ki se imenuje Arlesienne. Dobila sem glos za ustnice in pa seveda njihovo znano kremo za roke. Takoj prvi vtisi, ko sem preizkusila oba izdelka, so bili osredotočeni na vonj. Resnično ne vem kako jim zmeraj uspe narediti tako dobre vonjave. Kadarkoli preizkusim kakšen njihov izdelek, me vonj zmeraj premami. Po pravici povedano nisem nikoli bila obsedena z raznimi parfumi ali pa naparfumiranimi izdelki, ampak pri L'occitanu pa komaj čakam, da zavoham kaj novega.
Prvi produkt, ki sem ga preizkusila je bil glos za ustnice. Sama nisem nikoli imela njihov glos, saj sem zmeraj imela oči samo za njihovo kremo za roke. Vsakokrat, ko si jo nanesem, se moje roke počutijo, kot da so v nebesih hihi. Kar se tiče glosa, nisem imela kakršnih koli pričakovanj, ker, kot sem že rekla, nimam z njim veliko izkušenj. Ko sem si ga nanesla, se je zdel zelo nežen. Seveda te vonj takoj premami ampak sem takoj tudi opazila, da ni lepljiv ali kaj podobnega. Podoben je balzamu za ustnice z manjšimi dodatki, kot te, da ima sijaj in da je v njemu tudi malo pigmenta, ki pa vsekakor ni vpadljiv. Izdelek je res super in se mi celo zdi fajn za zimske dni, ki so praktično že tu, da malo popestrijo ustnice. Glede zdravilnega učinka pa ne morem komentirati, ker ga na ta način nisem testirala. Glede na to, da je to prvi izdelek za ustnice, ki sem ga probala od L'occitana, sem bila zelo pozitivno presenečena.
O kremi pa res nimam kaj dosti novega za povedati. Zmeraj sem bila nora nanje in nikoli nisem imela z njimi slabih izkušenj. Vsakič, ko jo nanesem na roke se sprašujem kako jim uspe narediti tako mehko kremo. Res izjemno. Zdijo se mi tudi zelo primerne za zimo, saj res navlažijo roke in jih pustijo mehke. Seveda je tu vonj dodaten bonus, tako da s tem res ne morete zgrešiti. Krema je res top in mislim, da bo všeč tudi tebi, ko jo preizkusiš.
Hotela sem ti tudi pokazati majhen DIY, ki sem ga naredila s tem luškanim trakcem od L'occitana. Povabili so me, da nekaj z njim ustvarim in ker rada delam razne frizurce, sem se odločila, da ga vpeljem v frizuro (z manjšo pomočjo moje mame). Sama nisem nikoli ustvarjala s trakovi, tako da je to moja prva izkušnja. Upam da vam bo všeč.
P.S.: Ta kolekcija izide v Sloveniji 3. novembra. Imeli bodo tudi mleko za telo, milo za roke, parfum, gel za prhanje ipd. Če si z L'occitanom obsedena tako kot jaz, potem ne pozabi pokukati v njihovo trgovino in preizkusiti nekaj novega.
Beauty posts are definitely something I'm not most
comfortable with. I've done some of it in the past of course, but every time I
prepare myself to do a new one I always freak out a little bit inside me
because I never know if it's going to turn out okay. I'm not an expert
when it comes to beauty but I do love to test different things out. I'm a girl, of course I want to
try a new lipstick, eyeshadow palette or in this case a new range from
L'occitane called Arlesienne.
I had an opportunity to recieve 2 of the products from L'occitane's
new line. I received a lipgloss called Delicious gloss and their famous Velvet
hand cream. When I first tried both of the products I was of course immediately
amazed by the scent. I don't know how but L'occitane never fails to amaze me with their scents. Whenever I try any product of theirs,, I'm instantly blown away
by the smell of it. To be honest I was never a big freak when it comes to
scented things, but with this brand I never mind the different fragrances.
So as I was saying I received their gloss which I never
actually tried before. I always went for their hand creams because they're an
absolute dream and my hands always feel so smooth when I apply it on. I didn't
expect much from the gloss because I didn't know if it's any good. When I
applied it on my lips it felt really smooth. Of course the scent was there and
I loved it, but it also wasn't sticky or anything. It felt like some sort of a
lipbalm and it also added a little shine to your lips which is a bonus
definitely. I also noticed that it did have a tiny bit of pigmentation in it
but nothing serious. In my opinion it is similar to lipbalm. Although I cannot tell if it has a
protective effect because I hadn't tried it in that way. All in all I liked
this product and the fact that this is my first lip product from L'occitane,
I'm positively impressed.
For the hand cream I don't have anything new to say. I
always loved them and I never had any bad experiences with them. Every time I
put it on my hands I always wonder how they manage to make such soft creams.
When I apply this cream, my hands are literally in heaven. They're absolutely
amazing. They're also perfect for winter. Of course another bonus is the new
smell. I am obsessed with it and I'm sure you'll be also when you try it out.
I also wanted to share with you a little DYI. I also
received this cute pink ribbon from L'occitane and they challenged me to do
something creative with it. Since I love making hairstyles I decided I wanted to
incorporate it into my hair. To be honest I never used a ribbon in my hair
before. I've seen a lot of amazing hairstyles with it, but I never thought I could
make anything good with it. Now I had an opportunity and this is what I created
(with a bit of help from my mom because she also loves making new hairstyles).
Hope you like it.
P.S.: The launch of the new range is November 3rd (at least
in Slovenia). They will also have new fragrance, body milk, shower gel and
more. If you're a freak like me when it comes to L'occitane, then don't forget
to check it out.