October 27, 2016


I just hate applying nailpolish. I mean I love it when it's already on and dry and perfect but I hate the part where I have to wait for it to dry. You could say that is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to nails. I am just not a patient person. Although it is true that I always get so excited when I buy myself a new nailpolish and I apply it on perfectly but then I magically ruin it. I just don't get it. You put so much effort in it for nothing? Just because of that I don't apply nailpolishes as much as I would want them to. Untill now.

I recently received this life-saving product by Avon. When I saw this, I almost died. It's the Avon Nail Experts Liquid Freeze aka quick dry nail spray. I immediately thought to myself that if this works, I'm going to change the colour of my nails every single day.

This product is supposed to instantly dry your nailpolish when you apply it. You just spray over it and wait a few seconds and you're good to go. Of course I couldn't believe a product like this existed. I mean I spent years struggling to get my nails dry as quick as possible, and now there's this product that supposedly dries your nails in a second? I had to test this right away. I took the nearest nailpolish I had and I immediately began the test. I was patient (for a change), I applied the nailpolish on perfectly and then the moment of truth… I took Avon spray and I sprayed it on every nail and that was it. I said to myself: '' I should probably wait a minute just in case it doesn't work.'' After 30 seconds I touched my nails and OMG! The nailpolish was completely dry guys. I couldn't believe this. I pressed it really hard to see if there were fingerprints on it but NO. Completely dry.

I have to say I am amazed by this product. It's a blessing for my nails *wink*. I did apply only one coat because that is all I needed. I will definitely test the product if I apply a thicker coat because a lot of my nailpolishes need 2 coats. Still I can't get  over this product. It saves the day. If you're running late or don't have time to dry your nailpolish, you just use this and voila. Just amazing. The content is clear and it is oil-based but it goes off of your fingers easily-you just use a paper towel and rub it off. It also has a certain smell but nothing overwhelming. It doesn't smell bad or anything.

If you're anything like me and you don't have the patience to wait for your nailpolish to dry, then you definitely need to try this product. It will change your whole perspective on nails, I promise. I can't believe I lived without this product for so many years. Thank god I found it and thanks to Avon for giving it. I really hope you liked this review. Let me know if you like doing your nails and how do you dry them as fast as possible. Now excuse me while I go and change the colour of my nails *hehe*

Jaz res sovražim mazanje nohtov. Seveda mi je super, ko je lak že gor in suh, ampak tisti del, ko moram čakati, da se posuši je pa naravnost neznosen. Je pa res, da obožujem kupovanje novih lakov in ko si ga naneseš na nohte in potem kar od enkrat vidiš, da si si uničil noht ker nisi bil dovolj potrpežljiv. Sovražim, ko se mi to zgodi. Toliko truda za nič. Do zdaj punce.

Pred kratkim sem prejela izdelek od Avon. Ko sem zagledala kaj je sem bila zelo presenečena. Izdelek se imenuje Avon Nail Experts Liquid Freeze - sprej za hitro sušenje laka. Takoj sem pomislila, da če ta izdelek deluje, potem bom vsak dan menjala lak na nohtih.

Na embalaži piše, da naj bi izdelek takoj posušil lak, ko si ga naneseš. Samo našpricaš ga čez nohte in to je to. Sploh nisem mogla verjeti, da kaj takega obstaja (po pravici nikoli nisem pomislila, da bi lahko to obstajalo). Seveda sem to mogla takoj stestirati. Vzela sem najbližji lak in sem ga takoj začela nanašati na nohte. Za spremembo sem bila potrpežljiva in pazljiva. Ko sem končala sem vzela ta sprej in ga pošpricala po nohtih. Nato sem si rekla, da bom raje počakala kakšno minuto, za vsak primer, če potrebuje več časa. Po tridesetih sekundah, me je neučakanost premagala – morala sem se dotakniti laka. OMG! Lak je bil popolnoma suh, res nisem mogla verjeti svojem očem.

Moram priznati, da že zelo dolgo nisem bila navdušena nad kakšnim produktom, kot sem bila nad tem. To je naravnost popolno za moje nohte. Res je, da sem nanesla samo 1 sloj laka, ker več ni bilo potrebno. Bom pa seveda preizkusila izdelek, če nanesem debelejši sloj, saj moram pri večini mojih lakov nanesti 2 sloja. Vsebina izdelka je prozorna in ko našpricaš lahko vidiš, da je na oljni bazi narejena, kar ni noben problem saj gre takoj dol ko obrišeš. Nek vonj ima vendar ni močan. Definitivno se tale izdelek splača, še posebej, če nimate časa, da se lak posuši ali pa pač niste potrpežljivi. Tako kot jaz upss. Nanašanje laka bo čisto nova izkušnja, ker ne boste rabili paziti na to, da je minilo dovolj časa odkar ste ga nanesli. Sama sem res vesela, da je Avon podaril ta izdelek, ker bo sedaj vse drugače, ko bom nanašala lak. Nič več skrbi, da bom popacala nohte in nič več skrbi, da bom pozna kam zaradi tega, ker se mi nohti še vedno niso posušili.

Povej mi ali se ti rada ukvarjaš s svojimi noht in ali imaš kakšen pripomoček, ki ti olajša delo? Do naslednjič. Čau

Ps.: grem iskat nov lak, da si ga namažem :D

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