Hey guys. I mentioned in one of
my previous posts that I actually like autumn. Even though nothing can compare
to summer, still I can live with autumn as well :D
I love wearing dresses and skirts
even more because I can add tights knee high socks and make the outfit look
more special. I also love the simplicity of outfits at this time of the year. I
can just have a simple skirt a cropped sweater and that's that. I don't have to
think too much about the outfit because the skirt itself makes it nice.
I bought this skater skirt a few
years ago in Primark while I was in London. I can never get tired of it because
the length of it is just perfect. I don't like short skirts and dressses but
this one is just great. I also like that it's a bit shiny so it catches the eye
of the people around me. It's definitely one of my favourite skirts that I own.
On top of the skirt I added this sweater from H&M which is a very light
grey and so soft. I could wear it every single day. I like that it's a bit
shorter so that I can pair it with skirts and even on top of a dress (check it here). For my accessories I added a statement necklace from Happiness Botique
and you can see that it makes the whole outfit slightly dressy and like you've
put an effort into it. Of course I can not go anywhere without my amazing
sneakers. I am obsessed with them just because they are so shiny and they have
a platform. Just perfect for me.
That's basically it. Sometimes I
like to put more effort into my outfits but on the other days I just like to be
simple but still look like I've done something cool. It's true that I like to
play with my wardrobe and try to come up with as many different outfits as
possible because it's a challenge and of course because I don't have new
clothes every week ;) Hope you like today's post. Have a great day.
Pozdravljene. V prejšnji objavi
sem že omenila, da imam rada jesen. Seveda se s poletjem ne more primerjati,
ampak je dovolj blizu :)
Jesenske oblekce in krila zmeraj
rada nosim, ker lahko dodam žabe, nogavice do kolen in outfit takoj izgleda
boljše. Rada imam tudi, ko so moji outfiti bolj preprosti v tem času –
potrebujem samo krilo, pulover in to je to. Sploh ne potrebujem razmišljati
preveč, kaj naj dodam celi opravi, ker je krilo dovolj (vsaj pri meni).
Tole krilo sem kupila pred nekaj
leti v Primarku, v Londonu. Nikoli se ga ne bom naveličala, ker je njegova
dolžina ravno pravšnja. Sama ne maram kratkih oblek in kril, tako da je ta res
perfect. Druga zadeva, ki mi je pri tem krilu všeč je ta, da se malo svetlika
in naredi look res nekaj posebnega. Zgoraj sem oblekla svetlo siv pulover, ki
je malo krajši. Njegova dolžina je super, ker ga lahko kombiniram h krilom in
oblekcam tudi (poglej tukaj). Modni dodatek je bil samo eden in to je tale
velika verižica iz Happiness Botique, ki naredi celo opravo malo bolj fensi.
Seveda ne morem, da ne bi imela obutih svojih najljubših superg. Tale srebrna
barva je res top in všeč mi je da so malo dvignjene. Popolne zame :)
To je to punce. Včasih se z
outfitom rada bolj potrudim, po drugi strani pa imam rada enostavnost. Res pa
je tudi, da se rada poigram s stvarmi, ki jih imam v omari, ker je res en velik
izziv in pa tudi, ker nimam vsak teden novih oblačil ;) Upam, da vam je današnja
objava všeč. Lepo se imejte.
Photos by Maja
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