Z Majo sva pred kratkim bili povabljeni v samopostrežno restavracijo na Trgu osvobodilne fronte, ki se imenuje Loving Hut in kar je najbolj zanimivo je to, da je VEGANSKA. Osebno sama nikoli ne bi pomislila, da jo obiščem ampak, ko sem vstopila v prostor sem bila navdušena. Bil je zelo odprt, prijeten in domač in poleg tega ima možnost obeda tako zunaj kot znotraj. Lokacija le-te se mi zdi posrečena, saj je blizu glavne železniške postaje in ne daleč od centra. Torej odličen za turiste in hkrati odlična izbira za vse tiste, ki želijo poskusiti vegansko hrano. In to je šele prostor. Sedaj pa najboljši del: HRANA,
Naročila sem Vegi kebab. Nikoli nisem jedla to verzijo in po pravici sem bila malo skeptična, saj sem bila trdno prepričana, da bom dobila kruh in zelenjavo. Prosim za minuto molka, ker sem skoraj 100 % prepričana, da je to eden izmed boljših kebabov, ki sem jih jedla. Vseboval je vegi majonezo, zelenjavo in nekaj kar še nikoli nisem jedla in to je Seitan. Izvedela sem da je to pšenično meso, ki nadomesti pravega. Prisežem, da je imel zelo podobno strukturo kot pravo meso. Bila sem zelo prijetno presenečena in za piko na i je bilo vse tako dobro začinjeno. Še vedno ne morem pozabiti okusa, čeprav sem ga jedla pred enim tednom. Kapo dol, res je bilo odlično narejeno. Naj dodam še to, da tisti dan nisem jedla večerje, saj je bil kebab zelo nasiten.
Rada bi omenila tudi zgodbo, ki stoji za restavracijo. Z Majo sva dobili priložnost pogovora z enim izmed solastnikov. Govorili smo o vidikih veganstva in kako ta pomaga ne le živalim ampak tudi nam in Zemlji. Torej dejansko niso samo živali, ki so na slabšem. Restavracija ima tudi navdihujoč moto, ki se glasi: "Bodi vegan. Širi mir." Zelo je preprost in jasen in nam pomaga razumeti smisel vsega tega. Ta izkušnja mi je dala misliti o vsem, kar počnemo na svetu in se mi zdi, da je tudi to dober začetek, ki lahko vodi k izboljšanju našega življenjskega sloga.
Different post as you can see. I always surprise I know ;) Alright let me tell what I've been up to a few days ago (besides studying). Last week Maja and I got invited, by my cousin, to visit a quite different restaurant from what I would usually choose. It's called Loving Hut and it's such a lovely self-service restaurant and the interesting part of it is that it's VEGAN. It never crossed my mind to visit one of those and I really don't know why. I mean hello?! where have you been all my life. Let me talk about the actual place. It surprised me because it is so bright and cosy and you can sit both inside and outside. It is situated very near to the centre and Central station in Ljubljana. I would say it's a well-chosen part of the city. Perfect for tourists and I'd say perfect for everybody who hasn't tried vegan food yet. I was blown away by it (and that's just the place). We decided to go inside to see what they have to offer. There were a lot of people waiting in line to choose their meal, and after I tried one of their specialties, I knew why. So I think it's now time to talk about the one thing we're all waiting for: FOOD.
I ordered a Vegi kebab. Never had one of those and I had no idea what to expect. To be honest with you I didn't have high hopes for it. Let's take a minute of silence because I can almost for certain say that that was by far one of the best things I've ever eaten. It contained a vegan mayonaisse, some vegetables and the one thing I never tried in my life and that is Seitan. Basically it is a wheat meat and it is a substitute for a meat and I kid you not but it has the same texture. I was shocked, and to top it all off they seasoned it perfectly. How did they do that? I still can't forget the taste of it and I had it like a week ago. Compliments to the chef. And I got to add that it's so filling that I didn't eat dinner that evening.
Now let's talk about the story behind this restaurant. Maja and I also had the pleasure to talk to one of the co-owners of this lovely place. We talked about the views of being a vegan and how it helps not only animals but also us and our planet. So it actually doesn't concern just animals but also our lives. They also have a very nice logo which says: "Be vegan make peace." I think it's a great idea behind it and we should be aware of the things we're doing. I know becoming vegan is not for everyone but at least it helps us to be aware of the things we're consequently doing to our planet by exploiting it. It got me thinking and that's a good start to make changes.
Enjoy in the pictures and let me know what's your perspective on veganism and if you like vegan food.
Check out their Facebook and official page for more information. Have a great day everybody.
Facebook page: http://on.fb.me/1CqtOqr
Official page: http://www.lovinghut.si/
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